Literature in the Lives of Allison and Her Father
A llison's need to find the truth and show things for what they are is contrasted with her fathers need to alter the perception of things and lie in order to fit his world to his coveted reality. This takes many forms. One way it is depicted is through their aesthetic. Where Allison likes a plain design where you get what you see, her father likes things to be placed or added or garnished just right to make it seem a certain way. Another way this is represented is through the roles literature plays in Allison and her father's life. Where Allision seems to use literature to depict and make sense of the world around her, her father seems to use literature to change himself and the world around him. When using literature as a way of figuring out their identity, one can see Allison stay true to her inclination for a more ungarnished straight forward design by choosing to read nonfiction. With nonfiction books, there are just facts and usually n...